Mark Mawson



Mark Mawson is known in the photography world for mainly his work focused on two subjects: shooting pictures of pretty ladies underwater and photographing bursts of paint in motion underwater.

Mawson's underwater portraits are by far my favourite however the paint creates some amazing effects as you can see - definitely worth capturing.  The big mushroom-cloud like structures is a perfect example of finding beauty in strange places. The way the colours intertwine into each other makes it hard to remember that that you are looking at liquid formations.

Mawson's underwater scenes of ladies dancing and playing in the water are breathtaking. They personally remind me of the importance of living in a mind state of curiosity, awe and inspiration. The lighting Mawson sets up for these shoots is just amazing. The bursts of warm light in the photographs create a sort of holy or sacred atmosphere to the pieces - an angelic mystery to the models.


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