Carl Warner



Were you ever as a kid told to "stop playing with your food"? Perhaps your mother was forced to turn your vegetables into a funny face just so you might be tempted to eat them? Carl Warner takes this process and novelty to a whole other level.

Warner's sets are constructed entirely out of (or at least inspired by) different foods. His stories, narratives and characters are pumped full of imagination (as you can imagine). What really brings these images to life is not just the creativity poured into the scenes however the strategic placement of lighting. Warner purposly uses lighting which feels very natural. Sometimes he will use warm lighting to encourage the sense of a sunset or some other kind of unusual light, however is always on point with his approach. Never does any of the lighting look obviously manufactured, and never distracts the viewer from the illusion of realism within the photographs. The combination of illusion, supreme creativity and unique ideas come together to create a fusion of genius and fun to Warner's photographic style.


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