Tara Sellios (NSFW)



“Death has always possessed a significant presence within the history of art, ranging from altarpieces to the work of the Dutch still-life painters. Manifesting melancholic themes with beauty and precision, as these artists did, results in an image that is seductive, forcing the viewer to look, despite its apparent grotesque and morbid nature.”

Tara Sellios is known for fabricating strangely beautiful pieces of photography, moving the viewer into a moment of perplexed mesmerisation. The juxtaposition Sellios presents are the details of gruesome brutality versus elegance and beauty.  The effect of her chosen medium of photography has a much greater impact than say what painting (or any other medium for that matter) would achieve. The fact that photography is generally perceived as a documentation of a moment in time places an emphasis on the barbarianism of the scene portrayed. 


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