

Website: http://rankin.co.uk/
Contact: http://rankin.co.uk/contact/

I am not exactly sure how to explain it but personally, I feel there is an overwhelming English style to these photographs. I think I have come to this conclusion due to the colour scheme and the RIMMEL make-up campaigns being of a similar style to Rankin's works. Each of his characters adopts a bold and playful nature which is almost infectious. I find it hard not to get excited when viewing his pieces. I love that Rankin demands his viewers attention in very creative ways such as odd angles, make up, pose and contrasting colours.

Even though Rankin has a very definite style that he has developed wonderfully, I find Rankin's works to be versatile and adaptable. Particularly in his commercial works, Rankin obviously is flexible enough in his style and processes that he is able to serve each brand/ campaign to the greatest potential - I highly recommend going to his website to get a grasp of just how varied and talented Rankin is.


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