Kevin Carter


Website: No official website available

I never truly understood the importance of photography until I saw Kevin Carter's image of the severely malnourished sudanese child being stalked by a vulture. I remember the very day I was shown the picture. From that day on, I understood the consequential difference between photography and painting. The beauty of photography is that is it is so real.

After taking these images, Carter took his own life (unsurprisingly). It is incredibly important that we do not become immune to such images or that we simply ignore them. Carter's destiny was to impact the world, to bring about change and to eliminate ignorance. As difficult and confronting as it is, I have selected some of the most disturbing images due to this fact. We must not shy away from this apparent desperation - it will not go away on it's own.

Kevin Carter, his story and his photography doesn't just move me, it has changed my identity and naturally my existential reality. Carter bought a new meaning to the industry, capitalism and changed the world - We must remember.


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